MtG: Wine & Blood Expansion

MtG: Wine & Blood Expansion

I’ve had this in the wings ever since I tested it with back in NZ but I didn’t want to post it, else it be the first thing prospective employers saw when they followed the link to my website. More or less it’s a set of drinking rules I came up with the help of my mates to play alongside Magic: the Gathering.

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D&D 5th Edition Campaign: SWSTS - New Feats

So this post was pretty out of the blue and to be honest, it'll probably be the only one for a while again. Breaking my foot had more of a toll on my motivation than I realised and I haven't been so good at getting myself working recently. Anyway, I took a detour from writing plot stuff to generate some SWSTS specific feats. I wanted to generate some tempting options for my players that ease their passage through the Plague City of Kaladoss.

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D&D 5th Edition Campaign: SWSTS - Bonus Post

D&D 5th Edition Campaign: SWSTS - Bonus Post

Ooh! What's this? A bonus post after only one week? It was quite a rush to get the last one out so I wanted to follow it up with something that shows the level of detail I'm going for. Also, I wanted to dress things up a little. Who doesn't love a good bit of weathering?

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D&D 5th Edition Campaign: SWSTS - The Plague City of Kaladoss

D&D 5th Edition Campaign: SWSTS - The Plague City of Kaladoss

Kaladoss is a human city that was carved out of the very mountain, Kala, itself. It is supported by the surrounding farm villages and flies the banner of the Queen of Spring alongside its own. Before the Fall, Kaladoss was run under the eye of Lord Kedamir. He was an apt ruler who saw potential in Kaladoss’s majesty and promoted tourism in his city’s infrastructure. He founded the Adventurer’s guild and pushed for the development of monuments, parks and festivals to draw attention to the city.

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D&D Homebrew: Dr Modwick's Wonder Wagon

I would like to introduce the ever-enthusiastic Doctor Modwick. People like the Doctor leave those they meet wondering if the gods of Fate and Fortune are playing some sort of practical joke on them. He is the reason the Royal Academy of Wizardry raised their standards for passing grades. He is the incentive behind gnomish tinkerers updating their ciphers every six months. He is the catalyst for the Alchemists Guild training apprentices to triple check their working. And he's the most successful merchant to travel the King's Roads according to Mrs Modwick.

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D&D NPC Spotlight: Ed the Cackler

D&D NPC Spotlight: Ed the Cackler

Ed's behaviour was initially met with unease and many of the Wardogs abandoned the pack to find other, more stable ones. Those who stayed, however, found something inspirational in the manic cacophony their leader made. In battle he would dance around, jangling his mane, laughing at his allies and enemies alike and causing a primal ruckus. Caught in its wake, the Wardogs, or more aptly named "Maddogs", would be stirred into a frenzy. As they say; laughter is contagious...

...and you can't spell "slaughter" without it...

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D&D NPC Spotlight: Hektar of Ulwitch

D&D NPC Spotlight: Hektar of Ulwitch

The purpose of this miniseries is twofold. It's an homage to the old role-playing magazines and Monster Manuals I spent so many hours lost in; to the dragons and knights, the vampires and werewolves, the orcs and elves, the goblins and Bowies, the grimlocks and lockjaws, the slaads and salads, the flails, the snails and everything in between. Also, it's a quick out when it's been two weeks since your last post and you haven't had two consecutive days without something on...

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Scotty Plays Bloodborne: Style, Substance and Spaghetti

Scotty Plays Bloodborne: Style, Substance and Spaghetti

The best conveyance is that which the player doesn't notice but takes on-board. The point where these games shine is how they teach you about their death mechanics. Both Dark Souls and Bloodborne open with a mysterious cutscene and then an overwhelmingly difficult first fight. In both cases it's 99% likely you'll just die if you try fighting head on. And this teaches you two of the most important lessons right off the bat:

1. This game is hard and you will die (a lot).

2. And that's totally okay.

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Scotty Plays Bad Rats: The Rats' Revenge & HuniePop - The Difference Between 'Trash' and 'Trashy'

Scotty Plays Bad Rats: The Rats' Revenge & HuniePop - The Difference Between 'Trash' and 'Trashy'

Happy New Year lovely people! I am most excited for the glory that will be 2018. Before we dive into this fortnight's post I have to apologise for the tone (oh man, starting off the year strong). Given the nature of the content I want to discuss, things get a little vulgar. You have been warned.

I mentioned the other week that I made the claim that I'd play any game if someone bought it for me. Although I stand by this claim, I acknowledge that it is somewhat foolish and open to abuse. I guess I just have faith in my friends. Turns out my friends are s****y people.

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Scotty Plays Doki Doki Literature Club! Subversion and Disaster

Scotty Plays Doki Doki Literature Club! Subversion and Disaster

Last week I tweeted about a game I finished that really rattled me. It's the first game I've played in a while that's truly gotten into my head. It started off with a recommendation from my cousin, which is how I want to start this post; Don't Wikipedia it. Don't Youtube it. Don't be fooled by it. Just download it (it's free) and play it. Trust me. But before you do, take heed: There is a warning at the start of the game. Please take it seriously.

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Scotty Plays D&D: Touchy-feely Token-spiely

Scotty Plays D&D: Touchy-feely Token-spiely

Papa Brebner managed by converting an old backgammon set into a D&D treasure trove, numbering the tiles and borrowing props from my medieval Lego castle set. Our main game board was a cardboard chess board from which he devised the scale for all the miniatures he drew. It was low-fi gear with high-fi effort put into it but to me and my sister it was the toolbox from which we built countless adventures.

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Scotty Plays FTL: Faster than Light - Spaceships, Rogues and the Circle of Life (Death)

Scotty Plays FTL: Faster than Light - Spaceships, Rogues and the Circle of Life (Death)

The thing about FTL, and many other roguelike games, is that the joy of playing comes from engaging in something called a "mastery loop." This loop is bigger than single encounters and interactions and usually spans several hours of gameplay. It's also responsible for why these games are so hard to put down, despite much of the player's time being spent on unsuccessful attempts.

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